Expansive Poetry Online            



FALL 2024

Even in Brooklyn, not known for fall foliage, above fresh ground cover made of dead leaves hang orange, red and yellow survivors of declining light and temperatures.  As leafblower-wielding soldiers blast the season's wreckage back and forth between their stores and houses, it's necessary to acknowledge a season change.  Grief for losses from last spring has calmed, though hardly ended, instead retreating into a niche to stay as long as memory persists.  In not many days we'll have an election which will, or will not, transform some part of American life.  Far more worrisome are continuing wars. Pray for peaceful resolutions.  At Expansive Poetry Online, we offer poems again and hope you will enjoy them. 

Poems this month have arrived from C.B. Anderson, Susan Jarvis Bryant, Bruce Bennett, Sally Cook, Michael Curtis, Claudia Gary, Andrea Kibel, Arthur Mortensen, Brian Palmer, Carolyn Raphael, David Rothman, Joseph S. Salemi, Susan Spear, Jan Schreiber, and Frederick Turner. 

Poetry:  Select to see new and past postings.

Essays:   Joseph S. Salemi, The NPR/BBC Group and Poetry
              Joseph S. Salemi, A Post-Literate Age
               Frederick Turner,
The Pilot of Hyperbole: Gjekë Marinaj,
                                            An Introduction By His English Translator
Joseph S. Salemi, Why "Creativity" Is Choking Us
          Steven Duplij,  Poephysics; Time; Crushedness

Reviews:  See past reviews

Archives:  Divided into two sections, New and Old.   






Online Prosody As of now this will remain in the Old archives until editing and rewrite are complete. 


Contributions are by assignment, as we do not have the resources to manage online submissions.