Perhaps it's smell that
best describes our heritage,
The faint burnt grain smell of a Turkish pot,
The warmth of clean cat fur that's so familiar,
The sweat scent of cilantro, chocolate,
The minerality of granite, basalt, quartz,
The smell of sunlit air, of cold starshine.
Smelling the collar of your
long-dead father's shirt,
Thinking of how he shot one half of you
Into the strong clasp of your mother's waiting other,
And their Victorian parents in their beds,
Perhaps you smell a trace of that old chemistry
Of all our furry forebears, back to when
The asteroid at Chicxulub
released our kin,
The lobe-finned fishes mated on dry land,
The ancient contest of the he and she began,
When two smells learned to mingle into one;
Then back into the epic of organic chemistry
And carbon born in a primeval star.
And that inheritance, that
genealogy of thought
(For thinking is a smelling-out of things)
Is both a thing and an idea, knowing, being,
The way that Time is built, layer on layer,
A loving festival of death and of coition,
The searching odor of the way things are.
(With a hat tip to
When I was thirty-three I cleared the ground
To build the house we lived in for nine years.
I took down trees the settlers must have found
When the Adena met the pioneers.
The chainsaw bucked and nearly took an eye.
The garden that I grew was richer yet
In species-lives, now open to the sky,
Than that first gloom that I can not forget.
Today it all has gone back to the wild
Just as the nation, that I'd made my own,
Has seemed to turn to what it once reviled
And let the shade snuff out what I had grown.
But when I split those giant drums of wood
To fire our stove, was that then bad or good?
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If love did not exist,
How might it be invented?
What would be needed first
Is something just presented.
If nothing is at first,
Whatever's next must be
Not nothing, but a burst
Of possibility;
The prime ingredient
Being itself the birth
Of all things consequent.
To be, though, carries that
Exclusion principle:
Whatever is, is not
Anything else at all;
For otherwise the All
Is but a bland suspension:
Existence is a fall
Into a state of tension.
Symmetry must be broken
To make distinctiveness:
Matter must be awoken
Out of the formlessness.
But love's not gravity,
Nor friendship a black hole;
Love needs identity
Not mergence in a whole.
Stars must be kindled, that
The elements be forged,
Each with its habitat,
By its own flavor urged.
Space must be found to cool
A place for chemistry;
Carbon must found its school
Of wild diversity.
But compounds are not love
Nor valence make desire;
Some other step above
Is needed for that fire;
The search for quiddity,
Uniqueness in the strife,
Calls for an entity
We cannot but call life.
The seeking to be other
Than just the common flow
Culminates as the mother
Of the live world we know.
But to be something needs
That something else not be;
Death, then, is born, that feeds
The less free to the free.
And so desire was born,
Both engine and its fuel:
To flourish and to spawn,
To conquer and to rule.
And pain came too, to scare
The creature from its bane,
Futures sprang forth from there,
The choice of loss or gain;
Sex and the choice of mate
Ensured a future where
The gene could cheat its fate
By learning how to share:
The future of the seed
Outweighed the present fact,
The mother felt the need
To feed and to protect;
The self itself grew forth,
To recognize its kin,
To judge the greater worth
Of what now lay within;
Beauty no longer was
Things' artless elegance;
Design emerged, because
Sought for the mating dance.
The miracle was done:
The future was now real:
But only for the one
Able to know and feel;
And at each step the pain
Mounted as more was given,
How precious was the gain!--
Hell the fit price of heaven.
Love, born of time, gives
To death, time's instrument:
The chronicle of Earth
Discovered what it meant:
A billion years of grief
On every living world--
What kind of strange belief
Could praise it unconsoled?
A god, then, had been born
Out of the urge to be;
But from love's fruitful horn
Came endless agony.
And so that Hebrew poet
Saw what needs must be done:
Someone who'd come to know it
Must claim to be its son,
And take on him the guilt
Of love's long savage crime,
Paying for what love built
In suffering and time:
No truth can now undo
That poor Jew's reckless claim:
For if it were not true,
It should be, all the same.
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April 8th, 2024
The unseen dragon eats the sun.
A shadow drowns the drowsing mind,
The self by Alzheimer's undone,
The nightmare of all humankind,
Paper reminders by the
The winter's slow then sudden chill,
The inability to think,
The lost, lost footing of the will;
The last squeeze of the
mother's hand,
The swift horizon-darkening,
The coming of the shadowland,
Where all the birds have ceased to sing:
All this we soon or late
must know
As tokens of the kindling.
We are not things, but some bright flow;:
Promethean fire is not a thing.
If Kali swallows up the sun
She also gives him birth again.
By kindling is the world begun,
The green bud opening after rain,
Quick run of flame along
the log;
The waked cat opening golden eyes,
The sudden clearing of the fog,
The mental spark of a surprise.
Our first awareness at the
Our first smile when we knew we knew,
Were such a kindling, and the rest
Is doing what our fire can do.
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Woke is the place of no
more dreams,
Woke is the ending of confusion,
Woke is what is, not that which seems,
Woke is the death of all illusion.
The dream of having is a
For having is another's loss;
You live because the others die,
You're either bossed or are the boss.
The dream of love makes you
a slave
To someone else's quest for power;
Hook up, consume each other, leave;
Wash off the odor in the shower.
The dream of history's a
Of one tribe's crushing of another;
If one succeeds, then one must fail--
Wake up to this, don't trust your brother.
Wake from the dream of
The birthing-place of all oppression,
The workshop of authority,
The cold molester's sick obsession.
The dream of justice is a
The horse-faced exercise of power,
A bonus for the legal staff,
Who charge the victim by the hour.
The dream of beauty is a
A trick of clever advertising,
Made for controlling people with,
And stopping discontent from rising.
Creation and discovery
Are just despoilings of the earth;
There are no wonders left to see,
And nothing's worth more than it's worth.
The dream of God--now
that's the worst,
And Jesus was the biggest loser:
The last are last, the first are first,
The martyr is the worst accuser.
Your father's wars, your
mother's screams,
The other's slavery, made you;
Be woke, and cast away your dreams,
For there is nothing that is true.
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One sunlit day to come
we'll see
A city wealthy, just and free
Where difference of he and she,
The virtues of the king and queen
And of the repertoires between,
Are honored, served, enjoyed, and seen.
There'll be no law to which
one's tied;
Nothing enforced or codified;
One's glands a horse that one may ride,
Bound only by the ancient rein
That governs friendship, love, and pain,
And won't leave children in the rain.
But it may take the end of
The weapon of the reprehender,
To bring about that coming splendor;
For nature and society,
Good servants, rule with cruelty--
But ridden well, make each one free.
There's a kind of poem
that's an island
With a house, a jetty, and a beach.
One end rises to a little highland;
There are hills across the waters of the reach.
It need be no more than just an acre,
But it has a tiny sheltered cove;
Part of it is forest, that its maker
Vowed to keep untrodden as a sacred grove.
And the house is wooden, creaky, fragrant,
And the kitchen-garden's fresh and green,
There's a climbing rosebush with a vagrant
Spray of buds that frames an oceanic scene.
Underneath's a cavern you are using
As a cellar, keeping old wine cool,
Where a cleft, with fresh air softly oozing,
Tells of darker surgings and a hidden pool.
And there is a secret mechanism
Powered by the long tides of the sea
That preserves the past as in a prism,
So what was is also what will come to be.
No juice survives the
natron of the mummy,
Papyrus poetry wraps groceries.
The puppet-maker has become the dummy,
The painted eye is that which never sees.
In burial rites of Africa
and Asia
Embalmers knew they should hook out the brain.
The cost of information is erasure,
So that the royal face might live again.
Elide the living lines that
you have written,
So that the dead ones, perfect, might remain?
Better the apple that was never bitten
Than knowledge bought with such amazing pain?
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Hiking in Texas, June 18
So I ignore the heat
Texas and I still play this little game.
It's not the heat, it's the humidity
That gives our steam-bath its dishonored name:
It's not the heat, it's the humility.
The air's so wet it feels
like lukewarm oil.
Why should things dry and cool when there's nowhere
For H2O to go, no way to boil?
Foot hauled by foot I sweat into that air,
And breathing seems like unproductive toil.
Why do this stupid thing at
What does he prove, what means he by this sign?
Texas was made for fools who long to strive,
And only thus do fools know they're alive.
No juice survives the
natron of the mummy,
Papyrus poetry wraps groceries.
The puppet-maker has become the dummy,
The painted eye is that which never sees.
In burial rites of Africa
and Asia
Embalmers knew they should hook out the brain.
The cost of information is erasure,
So that the royal face might live again.
Elide the living lines that
you have written,
So that the dead ones, perfect, might remain?
Better the apple that was never bitten
Than knowledge bought with such amazing pain?
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The tent-pole's cracked,
and now the canvas shakes,
And wherewith shall I bind the wounded spar?
Surgical tape? Raw twine? The dig-site stakes
To splint and clamp the perpendicular?
This woven tent endures a
deadly storm.
Supplies are running low: the wars nearby
Turn all our excavations into harm:
Whatever we discover breeds a lie.
There have been mornings
here that swelled the heart,
Nights braided with the silent Milky Way,
Days rich with the investigators' art,
Before my team began to drift away;
My friend, asleep, should
not perceive me so:
The storm is here for me to undergo.
A windpuff-bonnet of
Turns and twindles over the broth
O let them be left, wildness and wet
A sapphire zephyr out of
the south sky
Has filled the creek and packed the bright brown shells
Of oakbud, mesquite, cedar. And the high
Sephiroth of the season calls its spells.
Sandro's blue lover bursts
into the time,
A rough annunciation: Chloris speaks
Forth April's Flora like a wanton rhyme:
In pains of love the flowery cosmos shrieks.
My priest Saint Gerard, you
knew the desire
That made the father father-forth the spring:
However cruel and violent the fire,
It cannot help but sing.
After three thousand pupils
and those forty books,
It seems I'm given carte-blanche by the secret Boss.
I can't say I'm not grateful, but the new assignment
Carries no budget, sets no deadline, targetless.
I'm not the sort to get my
kicks from helping friends.
I suck at it, I love them, but there is no joy.
I'm not possessive, I'm relieved to be ignored,
And what I do seems calculated to annoy.
I've said what I apparently
came here to say.
Others have said it better; some no longer applies.
I never wanted for material before, but now
I never seem to catch the ball upon the rise.
So maybe my assignment's
just that I should Be,
But for this task I am totally unprepared.
A poet is supposed to be quite good at it:
Quite frankly, Boss, I think I am a little scared.
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What in another age would
not be found
One of the captain virtues of a man
Can in a time when all hell is unbound
Become a heroism, and a plan.
Like that comedian's, who
leads his land
Against the madness of unbridled power,
Gioia's frank courtesy, not sharp, not bland,
Becomes truth's voice in this chaotic hour.
A brother poet, whose
urbane sweet line
Contains a melancholy irony
(Whose kernel is a glory that's as fine
As that of some more noble century),
He holds intact that civil,
mute accord,
Whose pen is still as mighty as the sword.
So like that child, who
having missed the bus,
Gives up, and catches breath, and feels the sun
Warm on this autumn day, and seeing thus
That there is no reprieve, has just begun
To celebrate a little holiday,
So I now start to see another way.
I sometimes see amid the
roaring welter
Of public talk and social media
A thought of mine borne in the helter-skelter,
Or warped, in some encyclopedia;
And bless it on its way, but don't mind much;
It had its chance, it got a little touch.
But it's all gone, it's all
out of my hands,
I see the general rush of it, but don't much care;
I'm not a subject of its loud demands,
I'm more excited by this sunlit air,
These gold and crimson trees, this silver moon,
The open terrace of the afternoon.
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Frederick Turner EPO Poems Prior to 2023