A Journal of Contemporary Arts 

Short Biographies of Poets in E.P.O.


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C.B. Anderson was the longtime gardener for the PBS television series, The Victory Garden, and he gardens professionally to this day.  His first full-length book of poetry, Mortal Soup and the Blue Yonder, was published in 2013, and his second, Roots in the Sky, Boots on the Ground, in 2019, both from White Violet Press.  For other poems by Anderson, see the Society of Classical Poets.



Bruce Bennett is author of ten books of poetry and dozens of chapbooks. His first New and Selected Poems, Navigating The Distances (Orchises Press), was chosen by Booklist as "One Of The Top Ten Poetry Books Of 1999." ​His second​, Just Another Day in Just Our Town, Poems: New And Selected, 2000-2016, also from Orchises, was published in January 2017. Bennett received his Ph. D. from Harvard and taught at Wells College until 2014, and is now Emeritus Professor of English. He has reviewed contemporary poetry in The New York Times Book Review, The Nation, Harvard Review, and his poems have appeared widely in journals, textbooks, and anthologies. He was awarded a Pushcart Prize in 2012 for a villanelle in Ploughshares.



Susan Jarvis Bryant's homeland is Kent, England.  She is now an American citizen living on the coastal plains of Texas.  Susan has poetry published on Society of Classical Poets; U.K. webzines, Lighten Up Online and Snakeskin; U.S.A webzine, Light; the U.K. Daily Mail, and Openings (anthologies of poems by Open University Poets). Two new books, Fern Feathered Edges and Elephants Unleashed (both 2023) are available in Amazon



William G. Carpenter is the author of Eţandun: Epic Poem, Beaver’s Pond Press 2021. His translation of “The Dream of the Rood” appeared in the Sewanee Theological Review. Bill practices commercial litigation in Minneapolis and walks the family dog by the shores of Lake Hiawatha. A long-time admirer of Frederick Turner, he is working on his second epic poem, excerpted in EPO Summer 2022. His website is at www.williamgcarpenter.com.


Ted Charnley's career as a poet started at 17 with a classmate's suicide.  After careers in law and rare books, his verse has appeared in The Orchards, The Road Not Taken, Think, The Lyric and Slant, as well as several anthologies.  His first book, An Invocation of Fragments (Kelsay Books, 2022) features two nominees for a Pushcart Prize and a finalist for the Frost Farm Prize. He and his wife live in a 200-year-old farmhouse they restored in central Maryland.



Sally Cook is former Wilbur Fellow and six-time nominee for a Pushcart award. She has published three books, Measured By Song, Making Music, and The View from Here. As a finalist in the Aldrich Press Poetry Book Award, Cook was awarded publication of the latter book. She is also a fine artist.




Michael Curtis is a classical sculptor, painter, and architect who lives in Alexandria, Virginia. His verses have been published in Candelabrum, Blue Unicorn, The New Formalist, The Lyric, American Arts Quarterly, Amphora, Pivot, and many other journals. His translation of Afrikaans verse, Land of Sunlight and Stars was published in 2012.  For more of Curtis's prodigious work, click on this link for books, essays and stories, and on this one for statuary and architecture 


Robert's Agent

Robert Darling has published the collection Gleanings, and a previous full-length collection, So Far, as well as three chapbooks, and a book of criticism. He has also published poems, reviews and essays in a variety of periodicals in the United States, Canada, the UK and Australia. Darling is Professor Emeritus in Humanities and Fine Arts at Keuka College.  No known photo of Dr. Darling exists, but we have a video of his agent Wystan at work (click on link above).




Christopher DeGroot is a journalist, essayist, poet, satirist, and aphorist. He writes a weekly column for Taki’s Magazine. His work has also appeared in Spectator USA, The American Spectator, The Daily Caller, American Thinker, Frontpage Magazine, New English Review, Jacobite Magazine, The Unz Review, VoegelinView, Splice Today, and Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts



Steven Duplij
(Stepan Douplii) is a theoretical physicist, poet and musician was born in Chernyshevsk-Zabaykalsky, Russia. He received his Ph.D. degree and Habilitation degree in Theoretical Physics in Ukraine. He has compiled and edited several scientific books, including “The Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry” (Springer, 2005), and published more than a hundred research papers.  Poems appearing in Expansive Poetry Online are from a collection of work composed originally in English.  Dr. Duplij has a collection of poems, both in translation from Russian and in original English, currently in submission. Duplij's 
Supermanifold of life: Multilingual poems and short prose (2014) is available at Amazon.





















Frederick Feirstein, 1940-2020, was a playwright, poet and screenwriter whose professional career included a lifetime of work as an psychoanalyst. He leaves nine books of poetry in print. His best-known commercial play is The Family Circle. He did extensive work in the musical theater. His musical play Uprising may open this year in Poland and there's talk of a film.  Feirstein, with the late Dick Allen, and Frederick Turner, founded the Expansive Poetry movement in the early 1980s.  















E.S. Frese, jr. is a semi-retired IT business management consultant who has lived in and around New York City most of his life.  After his lovely wife Chris's passing in 2017, he began to think he might begin to circulate some of his "trifles," as Horace might call them -- both translations and original poems.  A classicist who studied both Greek and Latin, he has translated and adapted classical era poems for decades, preferring, as he says, to approximate original meters, if not the original vowel meters of Greek and Latin then comparable stress meters in English.














Claudia Gary teaches workshops on villanelle, sonnet, natural meter, poetry vs. trauma, and whole brain Poetry through writer.org (via teleconference now). Author of Humor Me (David Robert Books, 2006), chapbooks including Genetic Revisionism (2019)  and Bikini Buyer's Remorse (2015), she is also a health science writer, visual artist, and composer of art songs and chamber music. See pw.org/content/claudia_gary, follow @claudiagary.

















Pierpaola Isoldi is an Italian writer.  She graduated in Law and is passionate about classical and lyrical music.  Pierpaola is the author of several literary articles  and two collections of poems (Dall'Infinito a qui, 2005; Viali Lirici, 2019).  She has been a speaker at literary conferences and has collaborated as editor for several books. 




















Andrea Kibel is a poet and soon-to-be epidemiologist who has resided in California, Texas, Indiana, Louisiana, and lately Missouri.  She has recently published in Blue Unicorn and Amethyst Review.




Carla Kirchner
is a poet, fiction writer, and writing professor. Her poetry chapbook,
The Physics of Love, won the Concrete Wolf Press 2016 Poetry Chapbook Award and was published in the fall of 2017. Her fiction has recently appeared in Literary Orphans, Rappahannock Review, Eunoia Review, Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, Gravel, and Unbroken Journal.















Gary C. LaPointe,
pictured on the left (color image from the present day), and to the left of Roger Maris in the black and white image, did not play for the St. Louis Cardinals for two games (briefly replacing Lou Brock).  That was a story concocted by a recently retired professor at Keuka College.  Gary was born -- that much has been established, and claims that after College of the Holy Cross and Boston College, he earned a Ph.D. from Case-Western Reserve University, then taught literature and writing at Elmira College for thirty-four years before retiring in 2016. He has published a dozen or so poems in Pivot, all of them parodies of great poems by British and American poets, re-configured to be about baseball, as they should have been in the first place. His other publishing history is on a restricted list unavailable to this Web site. He and Susan have been married since 1973; with three grown children, Tim, Pat, and Kate; and two exceptionally cute grand-daughters, Molly and Annie.



Austin MacRae
's poetry has appeared in
Atlanta Review, 32 Poems, The Cortland Review, Stone Canoe, Rattle, Measure and many other journals. He is the author of two chapbook collections, The Second Rose and Graceways, and serves as literary editor of Free Inquiry. The Organ Builder is his first book of poetry. Austin is also a fine folk singer and songwriter. His debut, Bats in the Attic, won a Syracuse Area Music Award (SAMMY) for Best Folk Recording. His second album, Keeper, won a SAMMY for Best Americana. His performances have also been featured on a variety of radio stations and shows, including the Sundilla Radio Hour, hosted by Kelly Walker.

















Dr. Gjekë Marinaj,
a scholar and translator of international literature, is an Albanian-born American poet, writer and literary critic. Founder of Protonism Theory, literary criticism aimed to promote peace and positive thinking, Marinaj has published 22 books of poetry, journalism, criticism and translation – works published in more than a dozen languages. With the title of Nation’s Ambassador for Albania, he is the author of 1990’s Horses, a central text in Albania’s political and social evolution. For more details of his extraordinary career, see his Web site (www.marinaj.info). See also the Web site for the Texas & Oklahoma publishing imprint Mundus Artium Press (www.mundusartiumpress.org). Dr. Marinaj teaches English and Communications at Richland College in Dallas. He and wife Dusita live in Richardson, Texas.




Arthur Mortensen
is Webmaster for E.P.O.  He's put out eight books, including A Disciple After the Fact, A Life in the Theater, Why Hamlet Waited So Long, Mementos Found in a Box, Morrigu Passes, After the Crash, Leaving Texas, and The Pride of Texas, the latter two novels in verse.  His chapbooks include Relics of the Cold War (done as a play by the Medicine Show Theater Ensemble in 1997), and Canzones for a New Century.  Two of his plays have been performed:  Stark's Cafe (Trocadero Dinner Theater, 1989), and Philip and Alexander (New York Poetry Forum, 1990).  He served as editor and publisher of Pivot for five years, and was editor and publisher for the Somers Rocks Press series of 21 first collections in the late 1990s.  Also continues to serve as Editor & Publisher of Pivot Press, which has published fourteen critically selected full-length collections.  


The late Timothy Iver Murphy of North Dakota, lost to us in 2018, was born in Minnesota, in 1951, active in high school debate, an Eagle Scout, attended Yale (pursuing his interest in poetry with Robert Penn Warren). After graduation, he joined his father’s business. Entrepreneurial skills led to raising equity capital for partnerships. Murphy loved hiking, sailing, hunting with his black Labs – inspiration for poetry where he explored family, spirituality, death, farming, friendship. His work is rooted in the Red River of the North, North Dakota, the Great Plains. Published widely, his books include
The Deed of the Gift, Set the Ploughshare Deep, Mortal Stakes and Faint Thunder, Hunter's Log, and Devotions. He collaborated with his late, long-time partner Alan Sullivan on a translation of Beowulf.





Wade Newman is a writer whose poems have appeared in several collections (Poisoned Apples 2003 Pivot Press;  Final Terms (revised edition) Pivot Press), as well as in a diverse variety of journals, including Pivot, Cumberland Review, Able Muse, American Review, Iambs & Trochees, American Arts Quarterly, Crosscurrents, Confrontation, Kenyon Review, and many others.  Recipient of numerous awards, he received the Robert Frost Award,  The Propper Award, the Narrative Poetry Prize from Croton Review, and many others. Newman is said to have come up with the name for the Expansive Poetry movement. 




Suzanne Noguere
's poems have appeared in many journals, among them
The Nation, Poetry, The Literary Review, The Classical Outlook, Sparrow, Jazz, Pivot, Rattapallax, Mezzo Cammin, and Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature. She's been anthologized in A Formal Feeling Comes: Poems in Form by Contemporary Women; The Poetry Anthology 1912-1977; The Second Word Thursdays Anthology; and Animalidiversi . She won the "Discovery"/The Nation Prize in the same year as her first collection, Whirling Round the Sun, appeared. She is the author of two children’s books, Little Koala (with Tony Chen) and Little Raccoon.  Click here for her personal Web site.


Peter Y. Paik
(Jo Han) is a writer and scholar living in Seoul, South Korea. He is the author of From Utopia to Apocalypse: Science Fiction and the Politics of Catastrophe, and the co-editor of Debt: Ethics, the Environment, and the Economy. His work has appeared in The Korea Times, New English Review, and The Valve. He has written scholarly articles on the idea of spiritual aristocracy, modernity in South Korea, the role of belief in secularism, and political theology.





















Susan Delaney Spear is a teacher and poet. Her two collections of verse are Beyond All Bearing and On Earth…. (Resource Publications, an imprint of Wipf and Stock). She is the co-author with David J. Rothman of Learning the Secrets of English Verse (Springer 2022)




Brian Palmer
was raised in the Midwest, spent several years in the Pacific Northwest, and has lived a great portion of his life in Colorado where he currently resides, each of these places having had a formative effect on his life and poetry. He’s a walker, reader, road-tripper, teacher, tide pooler, and writer. His poems have appeared in The Ekphrastic Review, The Lyric, Bristlecone, Society of Classical Poets, and in other journals. He is the editor of THINK: A Journal of Poetry, Fiction, and Essays.




Carolyn Raphael
's poems have appeared in journals including
The Lyric, Measure, Blue Unicorn, Long Island Quarterly, and on the American Arts Quarterly Web site. Her poem, Honorable Mention, was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Diagrams of Bittersweet was published by Somers Rock Press. Her collection, The Most Beautiful Room in the World, was published by David Robert Books, while her collection,Dancing with Bare Feet, was published by Kelsay/White Violet Press. which also brought out Grandma Poems—Not Too Sweet.  Travelers On My Route, is just out from  Kelsay Books/Aldrich Press.  You find her Web site by clicking here.




Jennifer Reeser is the author of An Alabaster Flask, Sonnets from the Dark Lady and Other Poems The Lalaurie Horror, which has been cited as a resource by Stéphane Bourgoin, a foremost authority on serial killers, and was a finalist for a Pushcart Prize. Reeser's poetry has appeared across the world in dozens of journals, and her latest collection is the well-reviewed Indigenous from Able Muse Press. She has frequently been anthologized.  She maintains a large Web site as well.























David J. Rothman has published six volumes of poetry, including My Brother’s Keeper and The Elephant’s Chiropractor, both Colorado Book Award Finalists. Over decades, many poems and essays have appeared in Appalachia, The Atlantic, The Formalist, The Gettysburg Review, Hudson Review, The Journal, Kenyon Review, Light, Measure, Poetry, Threepenny Review and scores of other periodicals. Won a 2018 Pushcart Prize for the poem “Kernels” (first appeared in The New Criterion). His newest book is a textbook, Learning the Secrets of English Verse, co-authored with Susan Spear (Springer Int’l 2022). For many years he taught widely, led arts and educational organizations, and served on many non-profit boards. He lives in Crested Butte, Colorado, and Salt Lake City.

















Joseph S. Salemi has published poems, translations, and scholarly articles throughout the United States, Canada, and Great Britain. His collections include Formal Complaints and Nonsense Couplets ( Somers Rocks Press), Masquerade (Pivot Press), and The Lilacs on Good Friday (New Formalist Press). He has translated poems from a wide range of Greek and Roman authors. In addition, he has published extensive translations, with scholarly commentary and annotations, from Renaissance texts such as the Faunus poems of Pietro Bembo, The Facetiae of Poggio Bracciolini, and the Latin verse of Castiglione. He is a recipient of a Herbert Musurillo Scholarship, a Lane Cooper Fellowship, an N.E.H. Fellowship, and the 1993 Classical and Modern Literature Award. He is also a four-time finalist for the Howard Nemerov Prize.  His upcoming book, Gallery of Ethopaths, is forthcoming in 2019 from Pivot Press.  He is editor and publisher of Trinacria.  You may find more work by Dr. Salemi at the Society of Classical Poets




Jan Schreiber was Poet Laureate of Brookline, Massachusetts from 2015 to 2017. His books include Digressions (1970), Wily Apparitions (1992), Bell Buoys (1998),  Peccadilloes (2014) and Bay Leaves (2019).  His collections of criticism include Sparring with the Sun (2014) and, arriving this year, Breath Lines.  His translation The Poems of Paul Valéry came out in 2021.  An advisory editor of Think journal, he teaches in the BOLLI program at Brandeis University and runs The Critical Path, an annual symposium on poetry criticism.


Charles (Charlie) Southerland lives on his farm in North-Central Arkansas where he bales hay, mills lumber, hunts and fishes. When he has time, he writes poetry on just about every subject. He is published in First Things, Measure, Blue Unicorn, Trinacria, The Rotary Dial, First Things, The Road Not Taken and other journals. He has been nominated for a 2016 Pushcart Prize and is a finalist in the 2015 Howard Nemerov Sonnet Contest. He likes to write sonnets, villanelles and sapphics.





Frederick Turner
is the winner of the annual Levinson Prize,
Poetry magazine’s highest honor, and has written four epics in verse, including the current Apocalypse; Genesis; The New World; and The Return. He is Founders Professor of Arts and Humanities Emeritus at the University of Texas at Dallas, and has also produced numerous volumes of essays and criticism.  Translations include Part I of Goethe's Faust and performed in its production in Dallas. Between epics, Turner has also managed to write original  plays and dramatic sequences including the acclaimed Prayers of Dallas.   Turner maintains a blog and Web site here.





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