AT 11
Though not much loved, the
ancient plumber sang
Sweet tenor tunes -- these from a tender year
When lovers filled the park and church bells rang
For local weddings, every hour a cheer
For what in those times
(lost now and forever)
Would signify new hope. These husbands, wives,
Would lift the world from sin, a global lever
The grasp of which would motivate our lives.
One day, however, a soldier
out from Rome
Struck down the Archimedes of this story.
As wrapped in faith and rites that built a home,
Our geometrician's death was absent glory.
Graduates, students fled in
all directions,
Couples divided, children spent in fires,
The consequence the worst of insurrections,
The action driven by exalted liars.
How long to wait before
some Isidore
Restored now alien shapes to once-loved use?
How long before we end an endless war
That in the end is nothing but abuse?
These dots and smears of
color plot the path
That she'd explored. They lead to no drawn end
That I can see. No matter where I look,
However, these begin to point toward death
(Her own last May). But was that her intent?
A wish is often measured by results
(I'm sure I borrowed that from someone else).
But this interpretation was my own.
No doctor treating her that month had seen
A canvas they could draw connections from --
Not such that fatalism stayed their hands
That early morning when her heart was seized
By doubts regarding struggles to survive
Another terrible infection. It stopped
Without reviving, judgment that had killed.
And had her last of paintings been fulfilled?
A cello overheard, two
Between a soft viola’s plaintive moan --
I’d heard them play a dozen times before.
This evening’s tones seemed not to have a key,
A much too modern blend of dissonance
And lack of resolution trundled past
My expectations and less fervent hopes.
One copes. One tries to check the ears’ revolt.
One makes excuses for a broken string.
But nothing could save this, not anything.
I stride along my path to
Abandoned by my spouse in early May.
This Christmas was the first in forty years
Where we exchanged no kisses and no gifts.
In memory her radiant smile outlights
A thousand ornaments and LED's
That dangle from an artificial tree.
In memory her laughter sprinkles gold
To ribbon every gift. And memory
Reveals a living pair of hands at work
With brushes to convert blank canvases
To images. So many fill my eyes
With how she felt and what she thought about--
Last year, a decade back, and further still.
The oldest show a student turning shape
With color into her first painted art.
The night she died, she had just left the room
When I went home from witnessing the rites
Pronouncing Liz as property of God,
Reclaimed in death to that idea of heaven
That leaves the rest of us in tears and fear.
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Beneath a canopy of summer
He kneeled, then touched his fingers to the soil,
Lifted his eyes to mine and spoke again:
"I see her face," the old man said. He knew.
He had the years to fix a memory;
The patterns in the light; the harmonies
Of wind and leaves and grass; the thick aroma
Rising from loam as dark as coffee grounds
And flood tide wet -- all standing in for skin
He'd touched for years. He recognized that face,
An artifact of skin, muscle, bone,
A smile that she wore one afternoon,
A feature long dissolved to my old eyes,
To his still just-dried red ink signatures:
The curves and lines so narrowly incised
It seemed to him, he said, no time had passed.
"You had to be there," he said to me at last.
Temptation rising on a
slender stem,
A dinner plate hibiscus stood erect,
Persisting for a week, and joined by fellows
Who broadly mocked their rivals -- one-day sisters
Who seemed to fill the garden's every side.
But those, in contravention of their brilliance,
Fell dead and gray, this after but one day
In bloom. But nature often kills her beauties,
Saving the worst for last, the treasures cast
In potters' fields to disappear in mud
Which often seems more flood than careful planning.
No matter how I might pronounce "how dare she!",
Her viruses, bacteria and weeds
Infiltrate what I most would keep for life.
Before I can respond, her poisons act,
Her tangled growth wraps round a bloom to strangle
Still yet another object of my love.
What then? A funeral defines remains.
My declarations that a spirit lives
Beyond the ruined husk we bury next
Are listened to -- by me, by you -- for hope
But only as a single, whispered promise.
"A shambles, never could
pick up a room --
She was an artist, not a housewife bee."
That's what I said. And that was what I knew.
We made noise -- an argumentative crew.
Spiting the fantasies of love for passion,
Sliding past temptation to just cash in
What chips we'd gathered with our getting married,
We kept our standoff going for some years.
And then a gifted talker pulled us back,
Suggesting there were better ways to stoke
A fire he had no doubt was always raging.
And then of course some calm would come from aging.
Through no fault but a
careless love affair
A barren wreck, she floated many children
Off hazards rough as rocks, off glass-strewn beaches,
Away from tempting depths where most would drown.
She was the mother that they'd never had,
Whose sacrifices every day had charmed
The poison out of devils, chased the cruel,
And, facing every threat, would bend to snatch
Endangered infants from what starving sharks
Still lurked outside her nursery's fragile net.
Strapped in a power chair, her able hand
Stretched out to steer her path and also guide
Her charges down the road to their success,
She could model the formidable,
Yet shine with an angelic, tender smile.
There was no secret game in her, no wile.
Long hair across one eye
could not conceal
The subject, whose whole demeanor smiled at me.
Most portrait subjects gaze across the space
Between themselves and viewers, cutting off
Attempts to start a living conversation.
Not her, who seemed to violate the rules
Engaging artists and their willing models.
That day it seemed that I became a painter,
Reflecting nature, hers, with every stroke.
Of passersby drawn in by how she spoke
Without a word or even syllables,
Some acted as if their trust had been abused
By expressiveness so open and so clear.
The accusation "genre!" lurked inside
Those viewers scorning critical perfection.
For those ashamed of personal opinions
Our whispers turned their faces hot and dark
And they soon shuffled from the gallery,
Remarking loudly on their disapproval
Of what, moments before, had drawn their love.
Some intellectuals wear a heavy glove.
"Our time was long; our
time was far too short."
What else is true in enduring times of grief?
Our history, in detail drowned by tears,
Sometimes denied by fears of some regret,
Will one day reappear when I'm awake.
Cold hands may grip my shoulders, seize my arms
And pull me tight against a buried corpse.
And I will know that dessicated face
Despite its prunish mask. Wrinkles will hide
The easy features: nose and lips and chin,
But underneath dried lids a pair of eyes
Will find old lies. Then will I tell a story
I'd carefully concealed, presumed congealed
Inside a coded block of molded ash --
Burned up (spent fuel won't heat new fantasies).
But as I finally speak the words aloud
That I'm convinced convict me of a crime
Your tenderness arrives, a loving mime.
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The while we sat there,
seeking out some comfort
By exchanging clever phrase, sentences,
His words began to mystify my ears
Especially when touching on his motives
For chasing paths to unexpected goals.
"Progged by a prog at Oxford, I set out
To change a program that had left me wounded."
I didn't doubt my friend's sincerity,
Or that his diction might convey real meaning.
The trouble was his choices were not mine.
He was the London boy who went to Oxford.
I was the Baptist boy from Charlotteville.
In conversation, getting far more strained --
Presumptions far outrunning what was known,
The suspect showing deep and dark lacunae
Was me. Pretending that I understood
Him phrase and word, I led us down the path
To grave misunderstanding. At its end,
And finding ourselves inside an alien city
Where neither spoke the other's language well
Enough to pass the time or get directions,
We offered little more than angry stares,
Our special relationship a span of glares.
"Still sleepless in the
battle for better rest,
I'll ask the barkeep for another shot."
So said my Tuesday partner at the bar.
He was younger than me and far less wise,
And yet, despite these modest imperfections,
My younger ally in a common fight --
The struggle for unconsciousness at night.
Concluding the evening's drink and conversation,
He leaned well back to chug a final chaser
(That he could stay upright a mystery).
For me, three shots of scotch will set me free
Of pain and sorrow. Suffering friends nod yes
And often wish me dead in such a state,
For alcoholic wit is never known
For subtlety or kindness. "That's the one,"
My young acquaintance said, and slithered off
The barstool -- headed for the Men's and home.
The joy of being single: one can roam.
My protegé
stood straight and then declaimed:
"If time were a commodity to buy,
Just how many competitors for price
Would die pursuing longer days and years?"
Now with his frequent broadcast of opinion,
My young disciple caused a lot of trouble
With questions, answers out of turn, "a rude,
Impetuous, aggressive fool," some said
As if an older man were bound to check
The youth. I'd rather stuff my mouth with socks
Than silence my young friend. I didn't tell him
Exactly how I felt. I didn't dare
For fear he'd draw too much of confidence
From what at best were casual remarks.
Old men can reassure the young, but lightly
For fear they'll cross the line that separates
A budding cynic from a trusting boy.
Stand back and watch him grow -- a mentor's joy!
My elder friend's idolatry
was firm
As he held up his latest face for heroes.
"He's in my personal pantheon of greatness,"
He said, raising an image built from clips
From razored magazines, art books and prints.
He smiled. "you've seen the Roman nose of course."
I carefully made comparisons, but -- no,
I couldn't miss so prominent a feature
Nor look away from the subject's glaring eyes
(They followed me around the studio).
"You've got his cauliflour ears," I said,
My eyes now tracking subject and result.
Unable to confront facetious praise.
He turned to face a wall of polished mirrors,
His hard expression gone completely blank.
And then he said that my opinions stank.
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Liz Holly-Mortensen October
29, 1956-May 5, 2024 - Dearly Beloved
“Apocalyptic gibberish, I’d
Proclaimed the critic from her narrow seat.
Stiletto pen in hand and taking notes
With obviously wounding intent, she stared behind
The actors to where an unseen flyman worked
To drop the curtain and thus to end the play.
“Unfit for television, or the stage,”
She wrote – “a page much better left unwritten.”
She didn’t sense my presence just behind her;
She didn’t know that I was reading this,
Nor that I was the villain of the piece,
The one whose midnight labors caused that pain
She so enjoyed exploring in her notices.
Oh yes, in case you haven’t guessed by now,
I am the playwright whose fine work she’ll scorn.
And hers the sufferings to which I’m born.
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As I explore a rare and old collection
Comes Ella from a record swept of dust:
“Embraceable You,” a song my mother loved
And long before my birth – on alien earth,
Recovering from a war that stretched across
The planet and embraced my father’s youth.
I keep on pulling ancient vinyl when
That song’s from Sarah Vaughn (when I was ten),
Same lyrics, but more urgent then. And thus,
Her wave breaks through my shoreline fantasies.
My heart grows tipsy?Many charms? Alarms!
A voice beyond a gesture or a mouse,
And irrepressible, her arms about me,
From Gershwin’s own to her original
Now irreplaceably in memory.
A drunk man, rising from
the curb at last,
Looked out upon us passersby and cried
An interrogative that stopped us cold.
“What had the dear Matilda realized?”
Was not a question one of us would pose.
We didn’t know Matilda then (or now)
And waited for further words, a declaration,
A meaningful explanation. Not a sound
Escaped him. We picked up our pace again.
Slipping by the drunk (and silently),
We looked upon two vacant eyes that glowed
From passing headlights, and yet found no clue
Of who Matilda might have been. That night,
She lingered in a dazzled vagrant’s mouth
Awaiting further definition, but,
The while we lingered, did not further speak
Through this wretched ventriloquist in rags.
How often real communication lags!
Time had escaped. Of that I
now am certain.
What safety and security I’d felt
Within a box of years and months and hours
Had fled each corner – shaded or in sun –
To leave me floating naked in the stars.
A hurtling object I’d become, a stone
Flung toward an atmosphere where I would burn
A trail across the sky. As seen or not,
My moment would be gone but for the ash
Adrift above the city – not much pity.
Despite my frantic
scribbling, words were blank.
Reluctant ghosts of language I’ve employed
From year to year had left me with pale shadows.
I wrote and wrote but not a phrase appeared.
Small wrinkles on the sheet implied intention;
A fingertip revealed the cartridge full,
Emitting ink, my ready tool, but not
Allowing me to set one word on paper.
I complained aloud but no one heard a word,
My voice then filtered of its meaning too.
Around me though, my friends assumed me happy –
My hand moving the pen with rhythmic, steady strokes
As if eternal lines to time had been invoked.
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From yellowed newsprint
scanned to well-screened text,
The sentences set down by Margaret Fuller
Seem closer than the history suggests.
One hundred eighty years or more are gone,
The tombstones for the dead now thick with moss.
And yet her sharpened righteousness is loud,
A trumpet calling readers into action –
To save the new republic based in Rome.
Mazzini’s alive; the lying French have come.
The Pope is plotting from a distant city.
The Austrians are battering the north.
That doesn’t stop the Romans going forth.
No real surprise this close
to New Orleans,
A demon watched us from the river’s edge,
Apparently a shoreline denizen.
Its large white head well-wreathed with blackened horns,
Survivor of a grim but unseen fire,
The monster hadn’t lost its squealing voice.
“A pig’s soprano, but without the charm,”
You said. I took your words as literal
And raised my oar as current swept us past,
A useless threat to one so far away.
But the monster did respond in kind,
Shrieking a loud and pointless warning – gone
That instant in a brilliant flash. We looked
But couldn’t find a single, living trace
Of who or what had shown that hideous face.
A moment of derangement,
stumble step,
His fall arrested by a granite wall…
Then consciousness and strong control returned.
Jack stood a moment, searching for a reason:
A bicyclist who’d knocked him off his stride;
A TIA of unknown origin;
A dog whose bark had drawn him off his path.
He gathered in the local cityscape,
Hoping to find a clue, or even proof
To settle questions still not fully formed.
He checked his phone to see the day and year,
Still shocked the 80’s had been done for decades.
Beyond that screen, familiar neighborhood...
Fall leaves, piled close to curbs, lay sleek with rain
That spotted his coat and spattered his floppy hat.
Above, long rows of plane trees, maples, oaks
Still formed green clouds despite fall’s growing gaps.
He recognized a postal clerk and waved.
The young man smiled and quickly passed him by.
Jack thought of a reply but chose to sigh.
Their intimacy progressed
to peeling socks
But stopped when Edgar tickled Sandra’s toes.
They had no covenant for such an act,
No signed agreement on the range allowed,
No state or mob approval. What to do?
Fidgeting while Sandra pulled up hose
Young Edgar looked askance at his bare feet.
The distance traveled on this sultry night
Seemed miniscule to what the evening cost.
They took on postures, both completely lost.
I chase the echoes of my
footsteps in
And find familiar rooms are strangers now:
Bare wood, where carpet used to lie; bare walls,
Where photographs and prints presented truth
That visitors were sure to smirk about;
Bare wires where chandeliers once hung; one lamp
Without a shade and set upon the floor.
Such empty spaces grow past measure when
A friend, or aunt, or grandmother moves on.
Today, a spider wanders through the hall
And bedrooms, searching for its web and prey.
The cleaners, though, have swept them all away.
A name, a dark stain in a
mouldy book,
Has drawn me toward its author. Now long dead,
This name, who in his features, dress and look
(His large eyes’ whites revealing shades of red),
Still threatens from the desert’s boiling sand.
A ghost who’s leading beasts against our lives,
His purpose is to sever every strand –
Kalashnikovs and rockets joined with knives.
What love can be so strong as to persist,
To come again despite the stain of blood
And stink of death? And how can we resist
When his parades become a killing flood?
His new disciples race into our flames,
Invulnerable to weapons or our aims.
The pinup fluttered in the
wind, then ripped –
Its tatters loose and wild as severed wings.
Harvey, the old mechanic, laughed a bit,
Then shut the door. “She’s been there far too long.
They do get stale, you know.” He grinned at me,
Then shook his head when I gave no response.
He pushed aside old tools to get his book
And set down thoughts about my aging car.
Writing furiously, he stopped to talk.
“Your tires are far too old. They’re hard as bricks.
By Tuesday afternoon I’ll have a set.”
From Monday evening, six o’clock, not bad…
I nodded. Ride and handling had declined.
Harvey detected a trace of doubt from me.
“They’re ten years old.” I nodded once again.
“And Johnny, when the brakes begin to scrape…”
“I know. I know.”
“Another week, they fail…”
My neck was sore from nodding. Tires and brakes,
A battery and wipers too. “Say, Johnny,
Where’s the lady – been a while, you know?”
I couldn’t nod or speak to that just yet.
I hadn’t made adjustments for myself,
So how to change what others might expect?
I lied. “She couldn’t come today.”
“I see.
And last week when you filled her up?”
“Not home,
Family visit – out of town.”
“I see.”
He didn’t. Amy may have gone to someone,
But who it might have been I’d no idea.
“Johnny, this will take at least a day.”
I took the cue. Tomorrow I would pay.
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History is a nightmare…
James Joyce
If Shelley’s grave
contained a set of fangs,
Would memory hunters steal them from those jaws?
And would they find a stake in the poet’s chest,
A proof he’d been unable
once to best
A virtuous Quincey and his moral laws?
Would fiction prove to be the real’s deep pangs,
The author’s soothing words
the boomerangs
To knock us back to death’s sharp needled claws?
“Inevitability again, no rest,”
A cranky prophet shouts
outside the house
Where even bugs are running from a mouse.
The sight of the stars makes me dream.
Vincent Van Gogh
My radio was blaring –
nothing new.
A postage stamp of glow across the street
Suggested eyes without attendant ears.
I only had to reach across the bed
To touch a button and reduce the noise
To one less hard intrusion
from the boys
Who occupied the night. More like the dead
In some dark mission to unleash our fears,
The RF ghosts that offered us the treat
Of using our imagination, few
Remained from what had been
a raucous crew
When I first tuned. Art Bell suffered defeat
At last by dying. Truckers mourned for years,
Their cabs still echoing from what he’d said.
I hunted frantically for other joys.
Somewhere, I knew, hunting
across the nation,
I still could find some mystery-solving station.
When I look at my old pictures, all I can see is
what I used to be.
Aleksandar Hemon, The Lazarus Project
A rose, diminished by an
iron fence,
Made no attempt (and was no pioneer)
To slip between fresh-painted bars and flee
To someone else’s haunted prison yard.
To my old eyes, it had the look of fate
(Already wilting at a rapid
Its petals browning and no faithful guard
To bring it water). I could only see
Its future as a loan now in arrears,
And bankrupt properties collect no rents.
Plant or animal, we’re left
with tents
Along a road that’s paved with winter fears.
This fading rose (I think some might agree),
While distant analysts might well discard
Its message, represents for us a late,
And so far uncollected,
bill of sale
For what we’re driving toward – a fatal trail.
A reactionary is a somnambulist
walking backward.
The pastor was a throwback.
He made threats
If we did not obey his quotes of blather
Extracted from a long forgotten text.
The rumor was he’d cited Calvinists
Who raged against such hapless, guilty fools
Whose only value was to
play the tools
For Satan’s march against we optimists.
I sat below him in a pew, quite vexed
To be addressed by this new Cotton Mather
Who treated us like misbehaving pets.
This blessed teller
wouldn’t forgive our debts,
Nor even indicate which form. Rather,
He dressed us down, and shouted out “who’s next?”
He seemed to be a gruesome copyist
Of scriptures left behind by hateful ghouls.
At the end I wondered who
was safer,
The ones who sat, or those who took the wafer.
A strange thing is memory...memory is a painter…
Grandma Moses
A level grade paved
straight across the plain
Of west Nebraska suffocated talk,
And flattened our singing to regretful hums.
The kids’ back seat fracas ended. They
Ignored my pleas to keep their seatbelts on
And stood behind me, silent
chins upon
The headrests, seeing then, though far away,
The rising, jagged Rockies. Who keeps sums
Of moments such as these? Behind the block
Of things more current, not to mention pain
Inflicted by too many years
of strain,
Why do we reach so far to just unlock
An image lost in time? What finger strums
That chord that we might sing of yesterday?
Or are we merely history’s hapless pawns?
“Imperative’s a word
I wouldn’t use,”
My young interrogator said aloud.
Her previous remarks had been asides
She’d whispered in a sleeve, not meant to hear.
No matter how I tried to read that hiss
(Which sounded more like
someone’s silent kiss
Than words of an assessment I should fear)
And might show more than her loud bona fides,
She gave me nothing till that statement. Proud,
Enounced with mild fury – not a ruse,
It bordered on a
questioner’s abuse.
A single witness would have been a crowd
To change her tone (as prejudice subsides
In cocktail parties mixed with practiced cheer).
I felt that, next, there might be an abyss
Into which I’d plunge,
forever lost.
But no! She smiled. For I had borne the cost.
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Now showing buds, the rose
bush bore new wounds
From pruning. Flowers would erase all traces
Of melted winter. Soil about lay bare,
Still much deprived of future plants and grass.
Six well-shod footprints and a rake’s deep lines
Gave proof of human interest in the season
But had been dotted dull by recent rain.
The gardener, though bald and gray as clouds,
Had lived to see another working year.
I nodded slightly to broadcast my cheer.
The old forsythia, a sloppy
Its bloom-filled branches sprawled across a fence,
Flowers already forming yellow splashes
To paint the dirty brick of a neighbor’s house,
Had let us know for years that spring had come.
In celebration of this change of season,
Arriving birds were going at it now.
And I could not prevent a robin’s beak
From snatching worms I’d better used for bait.
But – truth! I’ve not gone fishing now for decades.
The robin’s stomach and its hungry chicks
Were better served. That red breasted bird
Showed little interest in our flowering plants,
Brushing aside what petals had been lost
In last night’s late March wind. That howling blast
Had stripped magnolias across the street
Of half their swelling buds (become pink sparks
To light reluctant kindling – rising grass).
Now, if I had a rocker, I might nap,
Well-sated by the rising season’s sap.
After feigning death
through winter months
The trees are now unmasked by swelling buds.
Soon canopies of pink and white will spread
To bring new light to shadowed skeletons
And push the park’s old denizens toward spring.
There had been casualties of winter’s acts.
That fatal run convinced some innocents,
Converting what had been their natural joy
To artificial sorrow. They will learn,
Regardless of an errant sense or teacher.
New lessons will be showing flowers soon,
A panoply arising from what soil
Some had imagined held but browning bones.
But give them room and breath. We’ll cast no stones.
A crocus presses up to
A brown veneer of long since fallen leaves.
That sodden mass, already part-dissolved,
Slides greasily aside but will be holed
By rising tulip shoots. They’ll show no care
For preservation of what artifacts
Remain from last year’s now forgotten fall.
It is that way with history. Beyond
The heavy pulse of nature’s industry,
The casual skeletons of plants and people
Are only found beneath a crumbled steeple.
The kids have their
enhanced reality;
I like to draft new stories as I walk.
Today’s was similar to many others –
Events uncovered somewhere in the past,
Then forwarded in consequence till now.
These side trips can be dangerously distracting
(As, when driving, watching out for beauty
Can lead to dreamers wrapped around a tree).
Avoiding a car with squealing brakes, I stopped
And realized with a start that I’d reached home.
Then Mrs. Costello waved as I walked by.
Her dog, a setter, growled and whined at me.
Then Marty Smith held up a fist to pump.
And Joe, the critic down the street, looked out
From what he had been thinking as he walked.
No one acted any differently
For all my drafted story had achieved
In character, plot and witty dialogue.
No one familiar with me saw a thing
Of how some might have changed those morning hours.
I felt a trace of sorrow from this fact.
My moment’s fiction passed without a spike
Of interest from the local audience,
Their attention seized, as by the throat,
By lurid moments of reality
(Described as such in someone’s daily blog).
I felt wounded – foolishly of course,
For no one in the street had any notion
That I had lived a second life that morning.
I guess that I should put aside regrets
Recalling what the best some days forget:
These days, the inner life requires adorning.
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short sequence from the new collection Margie's
The old man had gone
missing since the day
We’d just resolved a fight by giving up,
Both white-flagging arguments we’d posed.
A fellow drinker nodded, thanked us both,
And signaled all the others at the bar.
Complainers too, they had raised up one voice
From time to time requesting us to stop
Our old dispute, or go outside and fight.
Can you imagine such a spectacle,
An old man and one middle-aged to box?
More likely wrestle until one had dropped…
Weary of war the two of us stood down.
He sacrificed convictions held for years
Through tears and chaser beers, while I stepped back
From a system of protected trenches where,
Whatever shot I tried to make, I missed.
We each gave up superiority,
Our airy, sober arguments set down
Upon a field where only drunks prevailed.
In short, we both surrendered, bringing peace.
The barkeep said she might renew her lease.
The two of us were regulars
for years,
And usually together at the bar.
The old man was consistent – never missed
Until just after peace had been declared
Between the two of us and other drinkers.
The evening that I noticed he’d gone missing
The rumor mill was oddly quiet, but
The crowd at Margie’s stared at me all night.
Their looks seemed sympathetic but suspicious
As though I was about to do real time
For some deep crime they nonetheless approved –
The murder of an enemy perhaps,
A targeted assassination done
To save their necks or mine. The barkeep, though,
Refused to talk. My tab was up to date,
My conversation casual and sane.
She wasn’t satisfied; she’d found a stain.
“I don’t believe our Adam
will be back.”
Hearing the old man’s name from Margie’s mouth
Reached low beneath the surface of my mood
To stir up bottom sand and chase what fish
Of thought were cruising near my quiet beach.
“What’s wrong?” I blurted after drawing breath.
(I’d been submerged, it seems, for several days.)
The barkeep/owner shook her head and turned
To serve another customer, my Liz,
Who’d just arrived to keep her love from drowning.
“He doesn’t want to hear the news.” Liz nodded
And reached to hold my shaking hand. I smiled
But closed my eyes until she bent to whisper:
“You know he can’t come back this time, not ever” –
A task she had no need to undertake
For we had both had attended Adam’s wake.
Delays caused by one’s death can last forever.
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Arthur Mortensen EPO Poems
Published Prior to 2023