EP&M Online
The Quality (of the
Electorate's) Mercy....
by Arthur Mortensen
Quality: That aspect of things
under which they are considered in
thinking or speaking of their nature, condition, or properties.
The notion of quality includes all the attributes of a thing, except
those of relation and quantity. ‘Quality’ is the third of the
Aristotelian categories. (9th
definition of the noun)
The Oxford
English Dictionary
Quality is used as the
generical name of every thing in objects, for
which a separate notation is required.
J. Mill, 1889
Remarking on the ancient comedy,
the student stumbled with the usual clichés. His
classmates tried not to hold their ears while staring at their
shoes. However, the woman at the head of the class (she would not
sit in its center) glowered, emptying out her contempt for feel-good
pedagogy. "Semantics, semantics! You must know what you are saying," the old
professor shouted, remembering a world which presupposed meaning as the
object of both reader and writer. She knew as well that
with the years a word acquires more than one definition and depends on
context to arbitrate which one applies. She
had asked about the student's favorite quality in the play under
discussion. These things are not available in Cliff's Notes or in
essays in deconstructive criticism. To know what quality you like
in a play or a poem, it is necessary to get to know what the author was
doing by close reading of the work. This is why some works are
read in critical classes. Casual reading is best done at
home. Comic books, novels by Tom Clancy, and most political
speeches, for instance, lend themselves to a bedside
Now, "quality" has thirteen different definitions in the OED, most of
those with sub-categories. But the old professor also knew
that semantics have to do with context, so when we speak of qualities
of some lines of verse, whether a sonnet, an epic, or Measure for Measure, we're not
describing the quality of the
work as good or bad, prissy or vulgar, but what comprises that sonnet,
this epic, or that play -- its form, its elements, the particulars of creating it.
This troubles many modern minds, who prefer to think that such
definitions are purely arbitrary, and that if we choose to call a
paragraph of prose a free verse sestina, we may do so at our
will without consideration of
any past but our own. Further, as such minds are apt to remind
to think differently violates two ghastly concepts in
critical posture: the Modernist idea of absolute originality
is an unconscious parody of the novelty of consumer capitalism);
the post-Modern sneer that says that all qualities of poetic
literature, from prosody to dramatic scene, to the form and movement of
plot, are nothing more than conventions, as easy to violate as
any grade-seeking sycophant in class. To anyone aware of both the
development of language and of a given art, it should be plain that
both concepts are nonsense. (Todigress, to get through a class
specializes in such critical thinking,
however, best to memorize them before you fall unconscious from your
desk. By
doing so, a candidate for future employment as an adjunct might get a
leg up. The effect for those who have no interest
in careers of writing critical essays will be to
earn a congratulatory 'A' so she may pass on to anatomy class to
preparing to be a doctor whom we can both depend on and sue for damages
afterwards.) But, why nonsense?
Simply this: the qualities of a particular form in verse are to
the ensuing poem as a genome is to a human being: they are both
its past and a foundation for an otherwise unpredictable
future. In human reproduction, a process which generates our
future, while results are often different, these differences, however
special, are
variations on standard human themes developed over millions of years;
otherwise, the result would not be human. Similarly, while only a
plagiarist would write a sonnet exactly like someone else's, all
sonnets are related; they are a species
of poetry, with analyzable traits, and would be something else if their
creators used other elements. This is not hard.
Compared to the least problem in supersymmetry, which may take a decade
of mathematical study to even state, it's child's play, the rules of a
game to learn in a day. Any poet knows, however, that child's
play is only rehearsal for adult expression. Writing a good
and original sonnet is something few children can do.
The qualities of a sonnet, defined over eight hundred years of
different people writing them, include fourteen lines, an
initial octave and a concluding sestet, one of several major forms such
as Petrarchan, Elizabethan or Mason, whose qualities include a
rhyme schemes (with variations, usually in the sestet), most often
meter, and, in English, at least four, and usually five, beats to the
line. The vast majority of sonnets play out in iambic
pentameter, though a sonnet may be in free verse if its author observes
the other qualities. Even an unrhymed piece may be a sonnet
if it has enough of
the other qualities, especially the octave and sestet. If it
doesn't, as so many unrhymed sonnets don't, it's just 14 lines of blank
verse. Use these elements in your own piece and you may
not write a sonnet of any quality whatsoever, but if you don't include
a combination of those qualities you're not writing a sonnet at
In an epic, some of its qualities are plot which includes a beginning,
a middle and an end; characters who interact in dialogue; a setting or,
more often, many settings; oftentimes heroic conventions, mythical
reference and mythical resonance; verse of some variety; movement from
some past into some future; and an author's pacing,
whether scene to scene, or event to event. Milton in Paradise Lost wrote scene to
scene, a dramatic poem; Stephen Vincent Benet in John Brown's Body wrote event to
event, more like a poetic novel. As in the mixtures of
capabilities in human beings, there are often poetic
cross-breedings. Richard Moore has written a long poem using
sonnets as stanzas; Joseph Salemi has written shorter poems using
limericks as stanzas; W.H. Auden wrote a very long comic poem in
rime royal stanzas. It is not necessary to write epics in blank
verse, though one may find it easier to pay attention to
the vagaries of dramatic scene and plot if one does. The
variety of verse is a minor quality.
As to the quality of results in any sonnet or epic, that's a
different kind of reading. What about the qualities of
political speech in a democracy?
This has become a significant matter in 2004. Congress, in its
purported wisdom, has decided through McCain-Feingold to protect us
from the moneyed interests (were they thinking of oil companies,
immigrant associations, George Soros, the PTA, a trade association, or
labor unions?), i.e., those organizations to which many of us
belong. McCain-Feingold was passed, its authors say, so that
political expression by all organizations except for the press shall be
banned in the sixty days prior to a national election's voting
day. As this has now been extended to book publishers in lawsuits
emanating from this legislation, rather like the stink of garbage from
Staten Island, it seems that Congress and the courts really didn't mean
it when they said that the press was excluded. Apparently they
only meant the large press tacitly recognized as official, including
television networks and the NY Times.
It is easy to draw this conclusion as both conservative and
leftist publication of books has now been affected, whether in attempts
to block distribution of books about John Kerry's unfitness or about
George Bush's. Why?
The qualities of political speech are many, but among the most
important are 1) statement of issues by affected parties and by elected
legislators and administrators; 2) definition of the terms in a
given issue by those affected and by elected officials; 3)
expression of an affected party's opinion on the issue; 4)
expression of disagreement with either advocates for or against the
actions of government; 5) expression of a legislator's or
administrator's decisive opinion in a vote or a
regulation. If only legislators and elected
administrators are allowed to handle items 1, 2, 3, and 4, then the
effect of McCain-Feingold is to destroy the viability of political
speech in favor of the coward's way out of "if you don't shut up I'll
put tape on your mouth." It's not hard to make this
assessment if we look at the qualities of political speech.
Except for narrowly-defined groups, McCain-Feingold denies the
statement of issues by anyone but elected officials;
McCain-Feingold denies the definition of terms to anyone but
legislators and administrators; McCain-Feingold denies the expression
of opinon by parties affected by the work of government;
McCain-Feingold bars the expression of disagreements with the acts of
legislators and administrators. In sum, in terms of the qualities of political speech, of
which only five primary ones are named, McCain-Feingold is a tool for
creating a political class free of either criticism or meaningful
discussion of issues by anyone except elected legislators and
administrators. Voting for them, in fact, is deliberately reduced
by this act to a choice between personalities. It
concretizes in law a trend going back forty years in American political
life, in which elections are essentially meaningless. But
it also concretizes the notion that the only meaningful constituents of
elected politicians are lobbyists and others of that special elect who
are allowed to express opinions to Senators, Representatives, and
Presidents. The rest of us are effectively excluded from the
conversation. How?
Should you get together with a thousand other people, for instance,
and, on the basis of research, both anecdotal and statistical,
determine that the election of John Kerry might endanger the future of
your community, under McCain-Feingold, at the cutoff point of sixty
days before the election, you would not be able to publish or broadcast
this information. The First Amendment, the keystone of
representative government, does not apply to you and your organization
unless you fit McCain-Feingold's criteria for having the right to an
opinion during the two months leading up to a national election.
This is not a trivial matter. Why?
Of the many qualities of a free republic, the free exchange of
information is a primary tool for surviving the inherent problems of an
absolutist state. Why? This shouldn't be necessay to ask,
but since the writer asked it, he will try to provide an
answer. Republics survive crises which absolutist states
don't for a very simple reason. Citizens know what's going
on. That knowledge effects change, not only through voting, but
through a wide variety of devices, from traditional news reporting to
polls to Internet blogs to political night letters to e-mail to
gossip. When such is available, in a crisis of any kind, it gives
a people a significant leg up in surviving an upheaval or a change over
a system where knowledge is controlled by the political class.
If, say, the Vice President is trading atomic secrets to an
international adversary for campaign contributions to his party, and
the people know about it, it is likely that such trading will be
stopped and even more likely that that Vice President and his party
will be looking for work after the next election. An absolutist
state, confident in its secret means of maintaining power, would not
only retain the Vice President and his party in power, but would
probably further restrict free exchange of information to further
reduce the risk of exposure. As a consequence, the impact of
selling national security secrets to an adversary would not be known to
the citizenry until it was too late to do anything about it, and the
adversary was threatening to use, or already using those secrets to
affect that country's policy or even to wage war on it. In fact,
it is fair to say, based on historical evidence, that the greater
restrictions there are on the free exchange of information the more
likely a political system is to fail. The most recent example is
the Soviet Union. Why is McCain-Feingold so careless about
It is doubtful that either Senator or the various co-sponsors could
tell you. It is possible, even likely, that they don't know what
the qualities of political
speech and debate are. That's certainly suggested in the manner
of speechmaking by most elected US representatives and has been for
decades. On a purely personal level, however, to a Senator like
John McCain, who was raked over the coals by the press in a recent
election year over his office's relationship with an Arizona banker,
such legislation would offer relief from personal suffering. No
longer would Senator McCain have to listen to people with contrary
opinions or contrary facts in the last two months of an election
cycle. Instead, he could rely on "dependable" sources, such as
CBS News to give "objective" reports about him. How nice.
It's the same sort of dependability that Leonid Brezhnev took for
granted in the USSR; only official press outlets such as Pravda ever commented publicly on
any issue. While McCain's passionate diatribes on the subject
are fairly easy to guess at for motivation, for the co-sponsors it's
harder, though the possible reasons are more depressing. For
instance, they probably didn't read the legislation; they probably saw
that the buzz words "campaign finance reform" played well among
constituents and so, without a second thought, and probably knowing
next to nothing about the qualities of
political speech, they voted the legislation in. What about the
This is a great mystery, for the courts have defended the First
Amendment for almost any kind of expression, save outright pornography,
for generations. And in recent years, outright pornography has
received the courts's blessing as well. But political
speech? When has that ever been attacked in the last thirty-five
years by US courts? Someone is whispering in the back --
"The only speech the federal courts haven't restricted in the last
thirty-five years is that regarding pornography and the advocacy of an
agenda that can only be described as liberal or left-wing."
To repeat, one of the qualities of political speech is the expression
of opinion by someone affected by an action of the government, whether
through the legislature, the courts, or the executive. The
little speech in the previous paragraph is a fine example. If you
disagree, stating that is a quality of political speech. If
you're not allowed to disagree, that's a quality of tyranny.
Arthur Mortensen